S&A Teyu CW-6000 air cooled industrial water chiller systems are a pplied to cool a single CNC spindle, 3000W cooling capacity, optional environmental refrigerant, ±0.5℃ precisely temperature control.
CW-6000 air cooled water chillers are produced by Guangzhou Teyu Electromechanical Co., Ltd. For over 16 years in screening and training, we integrate lots of superior components suppliers. Our brands S
[1mS&A Teyu CW-6000 refrigerado a arrefrigerador de água industrial
Translations of [4mS&A Teyu CW-6000 air cooled
industrial water chiller
systems are a
pplied to cool
a single CNC spindle,
[ [4mEnglish[24m -> [1mPortuguês[22m ]
[4mS&A Teyu CW-6000 air cooled[24m
[1mS&A Teyu CW-6000 refrigerado a ar[22m, [1mS&A Teyu CW-6000 arrefecido a ar[22m
[4mindustrial water chiller[24m
[1mrefrigerador de água industrial[22m, [1mresfriador de agua industrial[22m
[4msystems are a[24m
[1msistemas são um[22m, [1mos sistemas são uma[22m:
[4mpplied to cool[24m
[1maplicado para esfriar[22m, [1maplicado para arrefecer[22m
[1m[22m[4m3000W cooling capacity, optional environmental refrigerant,[24m.