Bently Nevada 3500/22M new arrival for promotion
The 4-Channel Relay Module is a full-height module that provides four
relay outputs. Any number of 4-Channel
Relay Modules can be placed in any of the slots to the right of the Rack
Interface Module. Each output of the 4-Channel Relay Module can be
independently programmed to perform needed voting logic.
Each relay utilized on the 4-Channel Relay Module includes Alarm
[1mBently Nevada 3500/22M nova chegada para promoção
O Módulo de Relé de 4 Canais é um módulo de altura total que fornece quatro
saídas de relé. Qualquer número de 4 canais
Módulos de relé podem ser colocados em qualquer um dos slots à direita do rack
Módulo de Interface. Cada saída do Módulo de Relé de 4 Canais pode ser
programado independentemente para executar a lógica de votação necessária.
Cada relé utilizado no Módulo de Relé de 4 Canais inclui[22m
Translations of [4mBently Nevada 3500/22M new arrival for promotion
The 4-Channel Relay Module is a full-height module that provides four
relay outputs. Any number of 4-Channel
Relay Modules can be placed in any of the slots to the right of the Rack
Interface Module. Each output of the 4-Channel Relay Module can be
independently programmed to perform needed voting logic.
Each relay utilized on the 4-Channel Relay Module includes Alarm[24m